let loadTime = new Date().getTime() const api = 'https://' + window.location.host const iws = `wss://${window.location.host}/site` let tries = 0 let data let ticketnumber function toggleGetContext () { const needSomeContext = document.getElementById('needSomeContext') if (needSomeContext && needSomeContext.style.display === 'none') { needSomeContext.classList.add('maximize') needSomeContext.classList.remove('minimize') needSomeContext.style.display = 'inherit' } else { needSomeContext.classList.add('minimize') needSomeContext.classList.remove('maximize') needSomeContext.style.display = 'none' } const speechBubble = document.getElementById('wtayot-bubble') if (speechBubble) speechBubble.style.opacity = '0' Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.metadata-label')).forEach(el => { el.remove() }) } function getTimeUntilEvent (eventTimestamp) { const currentTime = new Date().getTime() const timeDifference = eventTimestamp - currentTime const seconds = Math.floor(timeDifference / 1000) if (seconds < 86400) { const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600) const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60) const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60 let timeString = 'in ' if (hours > 0) { timeString += hours + 'h ' if (minutes > 0 && remainingSeconds > 0) { timeString += 'and ' } } if (minutes > 0) { timeString += minutes + 'm ' if (remainingSeconds > 0) { timeString += 'and ' } } if (remainingSeconds > 0 || (hours === 0 && minutes === 0)) { timeString += remainingSeconds + ' seconds' } return timeString } else { const eventDate = new Date(eventTimestamp) const daysOfWeek = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ] const dayOfWeek = daysOfWeek[eventDate.getDay()] const months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] const month = months[eventDate.getMonth()] const dayOfMonth = eventDate.getDate() const year = eventDate.getFullYear() const hours = eventDate.getHours() const minutes = eventDate.getMinutes() const timezoneOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() const adjustedHours = hours - Math.floor(timezoneOffset / 60) const dateString = `${dayOfWeek}, ${month} ${dayOfMonth}, ${year} at ${new Date( eventTimestamp ).toLocaleTimeString()}` return `Event is more than 24 hours away. It is scheduled for ${dateString}.` } } function isTouchDevice () { return ( 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ) } function obfuscateString (inputString) { const currentDate1 = new Date().getTime() const key = loadTime.toString() + currentDate1.toString() obfuscationLoop: { with ({ key, inputString }) { let obfuscatedString = '' for (let i = 0; i < inputString.length; i++) { const char = inputString.charAt(i) const keyChar = key.charAt(i % key.length) const obfuscatedChar = String.fromCharCode( char.charCodeAt(0) ^ keyChar.charCodeAt(0) ) obfuscatedString += String.fromCharCode(~obfuscatedChar.charCodeAt(0)) } const result = key + '|' + obfuscatedString const asciiValues = result .split('') .map(char => char.charCodeAt(0)) .join(',') return asciiValues } } } let socket = new WebSocket(iws) function anon (withRenderFlag) { loadTime = new Date().getTime() const randomInt = obfuscateString(generateUniqueIdentifier()) return fetch(api + '/user/api/auto', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ type: 'authentication', data: randomInt }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(d => { if (!isTouchDevice()) { if ( document.getElementById('wtayot-container') && document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility !== 'visible' ) document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility = 'visible' if ( document.getElementById('articleSection') && document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility !== 'visible' ) document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility = 'visible' } localStorage.setItem('t', d.token) localStorage.setItem('exp', new Date().getTime() + 10000) localStorage.setItem( 'serverless-namespace', `https://${d.core}.${d.resource}` ) if (withRenderFlag) { fetch(`https://${d.core}.${d.resource}/find.json?auth=` + d.token) .then(response => response.json()) .then(result => { if (result.lastRun !== data) { if (result.lastRunId) { if ( (localStorage.getItem('tm') && result.lastRunId === localStorage.getItem('tm')) || Number(result.lastRunId) === ticketnumber ) { if (!isTouchDevice() || window.screen.innerWidth > 890) { document.getElementById( 'newTestForm' ).innerHTML = `
✅ Done! These are your results.
` } else { setTimeout(() => { if ( document.getElementById('wtayot-container') && document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style .visibility !== 'hidden' ) { toggleMenu(null, true) } }, 10000) document.getElementById( 'newTestForm' ).innerHTML = `
✅ Done! Your results are ready. This dialog will close in 10 seconds.
` } ticketnumber = null localStorage.removeItem('tm') } } data = result.lastRun render() } return }) .catch(async error => { console.log('err getting last run data:', error) return }) fetch( `https://${d.core}.firebaseio.com/queue/nanoseconds/stage.json?auth=` + d.token ) .then(response => response.json()) .then(waitlistArray => { const resultArray = [] getWaitlistCount() if (!waitlistArray) { articleSection.classList.add('empty') return } if ( waitlistArray && waitlistArray.length < Object.keys(waitlist).length ) { return } else { articleSection.classList.remove('empty') waitlistArray.forEach((element, i) => { const [timestamp, jsonString] = element.split('|:::|') if (!waitlist[timestamp]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(jsonString) const urls = parsedData.allUrls.map( urlObject => urlObject.url ) const title = parsedData.title waitlist[timestamp] = true setTimeout(function () { addArticle(title, urls, timestamp) }, 200 * i) resultArray.push({ timestamp, title, urls }) } }) } return }) .catch(async error => { console.log('err getting last run data:', error) return }) } }) .catch(error => { urlError.textContent = 'Error submitting URLs' }) } async function refreshTokenCheck (withRenderFlag) { const exp = localStorage.getItem('exp') if (exp && Number(exp)) { if (exp - new Date().getTime() < 5000) { await anon(withRenderFlag) return } else { return false } } } function getNewResults () { fetch( `${localStorage.getItem('serverless-namespace')}/find.json?auth=` + localStorage.getItem('t') ) .then(response => response.json()) .then(result => { if (JSON.stringify(result.lastRun) !== JSON.stringify(data)) { if (result.lastRunId) { if ( (localStorage.getItem('tm') && result.lastRunId === localStorage.getItem('tm')) || Number(result.lastRunId) === ticketnumber ) { if (!isTouchDevice() || window.screen.innerWidth > 890) { document.getElementById( 'newTestForm' ).innerHTML = `
✅ Done! These are your results.
` } else { setTimeout(() => { if ( document.getElementById('wtayot-container') && document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style .visibility !== 'hidden' ) { toggleMenu(null, true) } }, 10000) document.getElementById( 'newTestForm' ).innerHTML = `
✅ Done! Your results are ready. This dialog will close in 10 seconds.
` } updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) ticketnumber = null localStorage.removeItem('tm') } } data = result.lastRun render() } return }) .catch(async error => { console.log('err getting last run data:', error) return }) } function getWaitlistCount () { fetch( localStorage.getItem('serverless-namespace') + `/queue/nanoseconds/count.json?auth=` + localStorage.getItem('t') ) .then(response => response.json()) .then(count => { if (count && !document.getElementById('numWaiting')) { document.getElementById('articleSection').style.display = 'initial' } if (!count || Number(count) === 0) { updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) if (document.getElementById('articleSection')) { articleSection.classList.add('empty') if (ticketnumber) { ticketnumber = null } } getWaitlist() } if (Object.keys(waitlist).length !== Number(count) && Number(count) > 0) { articleSection.classList.remove('empty') document.getElementById('numWaiting').innerText = `(${count})` getWaitlist() } else { if (Number(count)) document.getElementById('numWaiting').innerText = `(${count})` } return }) .catch(async error => { console.log('err getting numWaiting', error) return }) } let waitlist = {} function getWaitlist () { fetch( localStorage.getItem('serverless-namespace') + `/queue/nanoseconds/stage.json?auth=` + localStorage.getItem('t') ) .then(response => response.json()) .then(async waitlistArray => { if (!waitlistArray) { updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) await getNewResults() return } if ( waitlistArray && waitlistArray.length < Object.keys(waitlist).length ) { const articleSection = document.getElementById('articleSection') const firstArticle = articleSection.querySelector('article') if (firstArticle) { articleSection.removeChild(firstArticle) updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) } await getNewResults() } else { waitlistArray.forEach((element, i) => { const [timestamp, jsonString] = element.split('|:::|') if (!waitlist[timestamp]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(jsonString) const urls = parsedData.allUrls.map(urlObject => urlObject.url) const title = parsedData.title waitlist[timestamp] = true setTimeout(function () { addArticle(title, urls, timestamp) }, 200 * i) } }) } return }) .catch(async error => { console.log('err getting wating list data:', error) return }) } function connect () { const ws = new WebSocket(iws) ws.onopen = function () { socket = ws anon(true) } ws.onmessage = async function (event) { const message = JSON.parse(event.data) if (message.type === 'new_add') { await refreshTokenCheck(false) getWaitlist() getWaitlistCount() } else if (message.type === 'new_count') { await refreshTokenCheck(false) getWaitlistCount() } else { return } } ws.onclose = function (e) { console.log( 'Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in 1 second.' + ` - [${tries} of 3 tries]`, e.reason ) if (tries < 3) { tries++ setTimeout(function () { connect() }, 1000) } if(tries ===1) { data = [ { "bytes-per-second": 1868251.6617590294, "content-size": 115553, "nanoseconds": 61850875, "seconds": 0.061850875, "url": "https://duckduckgo.com" }, { "bytes-per-second": 12373581.773930546, "content-size": 1301427, "nanoseconds": 105177872, "seconds": 0.105177872, "url": "https://weather.com" }, { "bytes-per-second": 171737.33534387028, "content-size": 70869, "nanoseconds": 412659250, "seconds": 0.41265925, "url": "https://worldstar.com" }, { "bytes-per-second": 651236.8563493718, "content-size": 581549, "nanoseconds": 892991535, "seconds": 0.892991535, "url": "https://ebay.com" } ] render() } } ws.onerror = function (err) { console.error('Socket encountered error: ', err.message, 'Closing socket') ws.close() } } connect() function generateUniqueIdentifier () { function isTouchDevice () { return ( 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ) } function fitScreenAndLocalizatoin (userAgent, screenSize, isTouchScreen) { const touchDevice = isTouchScreen !== undefined ? isTouchScreen : isTouchDevice() const getLanguages = () => { if ('Next up' !== document.getElementById('nextup').innerHTML) { return document.getElementById('nextup').innerHTML } } const timezoneOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() const deviceInfo = { userAgent: userAgent || navigator.userAgent, screenSize: screenSize || { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, isTouchScreen: touchDevice, timezoneOffset: timezoneOffset, languages: getLanguages() } return JSON.stringify(deviceInfo) } const userAgent = navigator.userAgent const screenSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } const isTouchScreen = isTouchDevice() const deviceInfoJSON = fitScreenAndLocalizatoin( userAgent, screenSize, isTouchScreen ) return deviceInfoJSON } let urlList = [] function isValidUrl (inputUrl) { const urlRegex = /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\.[a-zA-Z]+)*(\/[^ "\x00-\x1F\x7F]+)?$/ return urlRegex.test(inputUrl) } function isDuplicateUrl (inputUrl) { return urlList.includes(inputUrl) } function clearError (urlInput, i) { const urlError = document.getElementById('urlError' + i) urlError.textContent = '' } function setName () { const name = document.getElementById('aliasInput') } function removeGreyOnBlur (urlInput) { urlInput.classList.remove('greyed-out') } function removeRedOnBlur (urlInput) { urlInput.classList.remove('labelInputErr') } function addUrl () { const urlListElement = document.getElementById('urlList') const submitUrlButton = document.getElementById('submitUrlButton') const urlInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.urlInput') urlInputs.forEach((urlInput, i) => { urlInput.addEventListener('input', () => { clearError(urlInput, i) removeGreyOnBlur(urlInput, i) disableSubmitButtonOnChange(submitUrlButton) }) function disableSubmitButtonOnChange () { submitUrlButton.style.visibility = 'inherit' submitUrlButton.ariaDisabled = true submitUrlButton.disabled = true } urlInput.addEventListener('change', () => { removeGreyOnBlur(urlInput, i) disableSubmitButtonOnChange(submitUrlButton) }) const urlError = document.getElementById('urlError' + i) urlError.style.color = 'red' const url = urlInput.value.trim().toLowerCase() urlInput.value = url if (url) { if (urlError) { if (!isValidUrl(url)) { urlError.textContent = ' ^ Not a valid URL.' disableSubmitButtonOnChange(submitUrlButton) } else if (isDuplicateUrl(url)) { urlError.textContent = 'URL already added.' disableSubmitButtonOnChange(submitUrlButton) } else { const listItem = document.createElement('article') listItem.classList.add('maximize') listItem.classList.add('url') listItem.textContent = url if (labelInput.value) { submitUrlButton.style.visibility = 'inherit' removeRedOnBlur(labelInput) submitUrlButton.ariaDisabled = false submitUrlButton.disabled = false } else { labelInput.classList.add('labelInputErr') submitUrlButton.style.visibility = 'inherit' submitUrlButton.ariaDisabled = true submitUrlButton.disabled = true } urlList.push(url) if (urlList.length <= 4) { const additionalUrlsCount = Math.max(4 - urlList.length, 0) const additionalUrls = generateRandomUrls(additionalUrlsCount) additionalUrls.forEach((greyedOutUrl, ii) => { const rand = document.getElementById('urlInput' + (i + ii)) if (rand && !rand.value) { rand.classList.add('greyed-out') rand.setAttribute('value', greyedOutUrl) } }) } else if (urlList.length > 4) { urlError.textContent = 'You can only add up to 4 URLs.' } } } } }) const urlListSection = document.getElementById('urlList') urlListSection.innerHTML = '' urlInputs.forEach((input, index) => { const urlListElement = document.createElement('article') urlListElement.id = `urlList${index}` urlListElement.textContent = input.value urlListSection.appendChild(urlListElement) }) const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitUrlButton') submitButton.style.visibility = 'inherit' } function renderUrlList () { const urlListElement = document.getElementById('urlList') urlListElement.innerHTML = '' urlList.forEach((url, index) => { const listItem = document.createElement('article') listItem.classList.add('slide-in') listItem.textContent = url urlListElement.appendChild(listItem) }) } const commonWebsites = [ 'https://microsoft.com', 'https://ebay.com', 'https://yahoo.com', 'https://youtube.com', 'https://worldstar.com', 'https://weather.com' ] function generateRandomUrls (count) { const newWebsitesArray = commonWebsites.filter( website => !urlList.includes(website) ) const shuffledWebsites = newWebsitesArray.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5) urlList = [] return shuffledWebsites } function addOrdinalSuffix (number) { if (typeof number !== 'number' || isNaN(number)) { return 'Invalid input. Please provide a valid number.' } const lastDigit = number % 10 const secondLastDigit = Math.floor((number % 100) / 10) if (secondLastDigit === 1) { return number + 'th' } switch (lastDigit) { case 1: return number + 'st' case 2: return number + 'nd' case 3: return number + 'rd' default: return number + 'th' } } function checkInput () { const urlInput0 = document.getElementById('urlInput0') const urlInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.urlInput:not(#urlInput0)') if (urlInput0.value.trim() === '') { urlInputs.forEach(input => (input.disabled = true)) } else { urlInputs.forEach(input => (input.disabled = false)) } } function checkForDups () { const urlInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.urlInput') const values = Array.from(urlInputs, input => input.value.trim()) function findDuplicateIndices (arr) { const duplicateIndices = [] for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === arr[i - 1] && arr[i].length) { duplicateIndices.push(i) } } return duplicateIndices } if (findDuplicateIndices(values).length) { const urlError = document.getElementById( 'urlError' + findDuplicateIndices(values)[0] ) urlError.style.color = 'red' urlError.textContent = ' ^ URL already added.' document.getElementById('validateUrl').disabled = true } else { document.getElementById('validateUrl').disabled = false for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const urlError = document.getElementById('urlError' + i) if (urlError) { urlError.style.color = '' urlError.textContent = '' } } } return findDuplicateIndices(values) } async function submitUrls () { const urlForm = document.getElementById('urlForm') const urlError = document.getElementById('urlError') const urlInputs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.urlInput')) const labelInput = document.getElementById('labelInput') if (urlInputs.every(input => input.value === '')) { urlError.textContent = 'Please add at least one URL' return } const allUrls = urlInputs .filter(input => input.value !== '') .map((input, index) => { return { host: input.value.toLowerCase() } }) if (allUrls.length === 4) { await refreshTokenCheck() } const submitUrlButton = document.getElementById('submitUrlButton') submitUrlButton.disabled = true fetch(api + '/user/api/create', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ type: 'mutation', data: { allUrls, title: labelInput.value } }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: localStorage.getItem('t') } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.success) { const msUntil = data.success * 30000 const eventTimestamp = new Date().getTime() + msUntil const timeUntilEvent = getTimeUntilEvent(eventTimestamp) if (data.tm) { ticketnumber = data.tm localStorage.setItem('tm', ticketnumber) } updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) if (msUntil < 300000) { if (!isTouchDevice() || window.screen.innerWidth > 890) { document.getElementById('newTestForm').innerHTML = `
🤖 Stick around! You are ` + addOrdinalSuffix(data.success) + ` in line. Your test will run ${timeUntilEvent}.
` } else { document.getElementById('newTestForm').innerHTML = `
🤖 Stick around! You are ` + addOrdinalSuffix(data.success) + ` in line. Your test will run ${timeUntilEvent}. Feel free to close this dialog.
` } updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) } else { document.getElementById('newTestForm').innerHTML = `
🤖 Well done! You are ` + addOrdinalSuffix(data.success) + ` in line. Your test will run ${timeUntilEvent}. Feel free to close this window and come back.
` updateSpeechBubblePosition(true) } } }) .catch(error => { urlError.textContent = 'Error submitting URLs' }) } function toggleMenu (e, onlyCloseFlag) { const needSomeContext = document.getElementById('needSomeContext') if(needSomeContext){ needSomeContext.classList.add('minimize') needSomeContext.classList.remove('maximize') needSomeContext.style.display = 'none' } const sidebar = document.getElementById('parentarticle') const ham = document.getElementById('mcdonalds') const backdrop = document.getElementById('backdrop') backdrop.classList.add('blur') document.body.classList.add('lockbody') if (sidebar.style.transform === 'translateX(68px)') { backdrop.classList.remove('blur') document.body.classList.remove('lockbody') sidebar.style.visibility = 'hidden' ham.classList.remove('open') sidebar.style.transform = 'translateX(200%)' if ( document.getElementById('wtayot-container') && document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility !== 'hidden' ) document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility = 'hidden' if ( document.getElementById('articleSection') && document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility !== 'hidden' ) document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility = 'hidden' } else if (!onlyCloseFlag) { sidebar.style.visibility = 'visible' ham.classList.add('open') sidebar.style.position = 'fixed' sidebar.style.top = '100px' sidebar.style.transform = 'translateX(68px)' if ( document.getElementById('wtayot-container') && document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility !== 'visible' ) document.getElementById('wtayot-container').style.visibility = 'visible' if ( document.getElementById('articleSection') && document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility !== 'visible' ) document.getElementById('articleSection').style.visibility = 'visible' } } function enableHamburger () { const button = document.getElementById('toggleSidebar') const backdrop = document.getElementById('backdrop') backdrop.addEventListener('click', toggleMenu) if (button) { button.addEventListener('click', toggleMenu) } } function printDataTable (id, data) { const toggleSidebarDiv = document.createElement('div') toggleSidebarDiv.id = 'toggleSidebar' const mcdonaldsDiv = document.createElement('div') mcdonaldsDiv.id = 'mcdonalds' mcdonaldsDiv.className = 'menu ham' mcdonaldsDiv.setAttribute('data-menu', '3') const iconDiv = document.createElement('div') iconDiv.className = 'icon' mcdonaldsDiv.appendChild(iconDiv) toggleSidebarDiv.appendChild(mcdonaldsDiv) const container = document.getElementById(id) container.appendChild(toggleSidebarDiv) const table = document.createElement('table') const headerRow = table.insertRow(0) const keys = Object.keys(data[0]).reverse() keys.forEach(key => { const headerCell = headerRow.insertCell() headerCell.classList.add('td') headerCell.textContent = key }) data.forEach(item => { const row = table.insertRow() keys.forEach(key => { const cell = row.insertCell() cell.textContent = item[key] if (key === 'url') { cell.style.wordBreak = 'break-all' } }) }) container.appendChild(table) } const calculateYScale = metric => { const maxValue = Math.max(...data.map(item => item[metric])) return 275 / maxValue } const calculateYRangeLong = (metric, maxLabels = 10) => { const maxValue = Math.ceil(Math.max(...data.map(item => item[metric]))) const step = Math.ceil(maxValue / maxLabels) const range = Array.from({ length: maxLabels + 1 }, (_, i) => i * step) return range } const calculateYRange = metric => { const maxValue = Math.ceil(Math.max(...data.map(item => item[metric]))) const range = Array.from({ length: maxValue + 1 }, (_, i) => i) return range } const calculateYLabels = metric => { const range = calculateYRangeLong(metric) const yScale = 300 / range.length return range.map((value, index) => ({ y: 300 - index * yScale, label: value })) } window.addEventListener('resize', event => { const speechBubble = document.getElementById('wtayot-bubble') if (speechBubble) { speechBubble.remove() } }) window.addEventListener('orientationchange', event => { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.metadata-table')).forEach(el => { el.remove() }) }) const createBarChart = (svgId, choice, unit) => { const svg = document.getElementById(svgId) const yLabels = calculateYLabels(choice) yLabels.forEach((label, index) => { const newYLabel = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text' ) newYLabel.setAttribute('id', `label${index}`) newYLabel.setAttribute('x', 0) newYLabel.setAttribute('y', label.y) if (label.label === 0 && unit) { newYLabel.textContent = label.label + ` (${unit})` } else { newYLabel.textContent = label.label.toString().substring(0, 79) } newYLabel.setAttribute('font-size', '11') svg.appendChild(newYLabel) }) data.forEach((item, index) => { function computeIdealWidth (minPlotPoints) { const maxWidth = 500 const availWidth = window.screen.availWidth let maxAllowedWidth = availWidth / minPlotPoints const factor = window.screen.availWidth < 800 ? 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